Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 6

Forty Days of Prayer for Our Country- Day 6

Cleanse me...and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow...Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Psalm 51:7,10
Thought for the day:
"Prayer will make a person cease from sin or sin will entice a person to cease from prayer."  John Bunyan

Have you become discouraged in prayer?  Do you wonder if this will really do any good?  Have you had the feeling that you are not worthy or strong enough in prayer for anything to come out of this?

Forgiving God, cleanse me and make me yours.  Help me to see the connection between having a pure heart and being able to persevere in prayer.  Give me a steadfast spirit so that I would not just pray for 40 Days but it would become a part of my life...

Prayer Points for Today:
- Pray that God would make His people clean so that we could be instruments of change in our country.
- Ask God to cleanse those in places of authority and leadership so that their lives may be an example to those they lead and that their sin would not grow into a scandal that would harm their families and their constituents.

Memory Verse for the Week:
"If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all."  Isaiah 7:9  Try quoting it to someone else.
Challenge for the Week - Voter Registration
The last day to register to vote for the November 6 election is October 9.  There is not much time left to register.  Do you know someone who may not be registered?  Call them today.

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