Friday, March 25, 2016

He is Risen!
He is Risen, Indeed!

This joyous exclamation proclaiming the resurrection of our Lord is declared by believers around the world. In at least 250 languages, Christians greet one another with this good news, reflecting the New Testament passages that record the announcement to the disciples and to the world. "He's alive!" "The tomb is empty!" "He is not here!" "He is risen, just as he said!"

Imagine the grief of the hour as they took His lifeless body from the cross and placed Him in the grave. Imagine the excitement of those who were the first to hear..."Christ is risen!"

This Easter week we will celebrate the resurrection with the same excitement that has characterized Easter worship for believers for over 2000 years. In doing so, we join millions who declare that He is Lord.

In some countries, the paschal greeting is accompanied by a triple kiss of peace. We may not be doing that this Sunday, but if you join us this week in worship, there's a really good chance you may get to say to the world "Christ is Risen! He is Risen, indeed!"

Bro. Mickey


Upper Room Weekly Communion Discontinued
The Upper Room will still be open for prayer each Sunday at 9:15, but communion will no longer be served at that time. Details here.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Children's Ministry - Building the House

This summer our theme for Over the Edge Pre-teen Camp is LEGOs. Hopefully, you remember the time you had a LEGO set or children played with them. I remember having fun with legos as a kid, but they were not as cool as they are today. In this day and time you can make anything. People have made the Star Wars Death Star, life-size car, an air craft carrier, and even a LEGO version of Stephen Hawking (Don’t ask me why.) The main scripture for the week is Hebrews 3:4- “Every house is built by someone. But God is the builder of everything.”

When I first saw that verse, I thought how appropriate for me starting at Northside. Even though the last children’s minister and volunteers had developed a good structure, there are many opportunities to add and build to it. My desire is that God will to be in charge of building this children’s ministry. To do this, I will need volunteers to step up and help build a dynamic children’s ministry that will reach all of Victoria.

There are two things that we will be adding to and building on. The first is Kid’s Worship on Sunday mornings. Please pray about helping in that area, whether it is once a month or every Sunday. We will be starting a new curriculum, and will be making some changes. For this to happen, I will need you to be a part of the help.

Starting May 11, we will be starting Extreme Kid’s Live. This will be a fun program that will be an outreach to unchurched kids. This is a very easy program to serve in, and there is no lesson preparation involved. If you are interested in serving this summer, contact me at


Tuesday, March 15, 2016

He Knows My Name

     “Grayson, Bobby, Katy, whatever your name is please pick up that toy.”  This is how a typical conversation may begin at our home.  I’m not sure about you, but having a wife, three children, and two dogs I easily get confused on who I am talking to.  This is especially true when I am flustered or frustrated.  I’m sure this has never happened to any of you reading this.  Why am I sharing this with you?  Reading through the scriptures recently I noticed several times God reminding us that He knows us personally even calling us by name. 

 “But now thus says the Lord, he who created you, O Jacob, he who formed you, O Israel: “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name, you are mine.” Isaiah 43:1

 “I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep” John 10:14-15

 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you” Jeremiah 1:5

     I’m not sure about you but it is very humbling to consider I get confused with my very small family yet God knows each name of the ones He created.  With roughly 7.1 billion people on this planet that is no small task.  Not only does He know who we are but He has plans for each one of us.  Again being the leader of a small family it is often hard for me just to keep up with our weekly schedule let alone the future plans.  All of these things have allowed me to focus on just how small and weak we truly are.  There is nothing we could do that could even come close to the power of God.  Why is that God feels the need to tell us so many times how He knows us and created us?  It is because to many times in days of trial and tribulation our minds wonder and question if God really hears us, knows us, or cares about us. 

     He knows our voice but do you know His?  My children know my voice because they hear me frequently.  When they are playing outside and I call for them they come because my voice is familiar to them. Do we know the voice of God? How can you know the voice of God?  Listen for Him.  If you listen you will hear.  We do not become familiar with something by doing it once or twice a month you must be constantly listening for God’s voice.  Isn’t it good to know that our Father is never distracted from us, never forgets our name, and never takes His attention from us?  This week take some time to actually listen for God.  Clear your thoughts and remove the distractions and just spend some time talking with God.  Remember you don’t need to introduce yourself He already knows your name! 

 Tom Smith
Pastor of Music and Worship

Tuesday, March 1, 2016



This weekend my wife and I went and watch our youngest son at a school track meet.  We spent most of our day sitting in the sun and cool breeze just watching and waiting for our son’s events to take place.  Lots and lots of waiting.

                Then finally it came time for our son’s events and the waiting was over.  We sat up and watched with more intensity.  We didn’t want to miss one minute as he took his mark and waited for his events to begin.

                Many times we ask God to intervene or act on our behalf and then we wait and watch.  Waiting can sometimes become hard.  We may not understand why we have to wait, but God’s timing is always best.  So therefore, we may have to wait.

                Matthew 24:42 “…keep watch because you do not know on what day the Lord will come.” 
When God decides it’s time to move and work in our lives we need to sit up and watch with intensity.  We need to be ready.  We need to be looking out for God to begin moving and meeting our needs and request. 

Many times we get distracted while waiting.  Our minds wonder and we begin day dreaming to the point we miss out on that which we were waiting on.  I grew up in a deer hunting family and can remember getting up while it was still dark and going out to sit in the deer stand.  The waiting game began.  There were a few times I fell asleep and almost fell out of my chair.  On one occasion I remember jerking myself awake and looking around and there was a deer looking right at me.  The second I began to reach for the gun the deer was off and out of site.

As Christians we need to be watching as we wait.  When we see that God is moving/working we will be ready to join in.  So remember to keep watch!  Because you do not know when the Lord will show up.  See you Sunday,
