Some of you are reading through the Bible with me in 2011. For all of us here are some things to keep in mind. Here are some things it takes to read the Bible and keep at it.
A Plan – If you are not reading through the Bible Chronologically with me this year, let me encourage you to find and use another plan. A simple way to start is by simply reading through the Gospels a passage or a chapter a day. You cannot go wrong by reading the Bible but it is best to have some sort of plan. I will be glad to help if you will let me know.
A Place – Have a particular place where you will read the Bible each day, keep your Bible there so you do not have to search for it. Make sure it is a quiet place where you will not be interrupted by other people or things. Some other helpful things to have there are a pen and a notebook or spiral to jot down thoughts, questions or mark verses that are significant. Also have a marker or two in your Bible to mark where you are even if you have a Chronological Bible there will be days you will be interrupted from your plan. Mark where you are.
A Time – Set an appointment each day to meet with God over the pages of your Bible. Make it the same time each day. My number one suggestion is in the morning when you get up. If you are not a morning person, try at night before you go to bed but set a time for everyday. Then set up a “back up” or “make up” time; there will be interruptions. Having a back up time will keep you from getting discouraged and dropping out.
An Attitude – Read the Bible as if it were personally written to you – like a letter or an email. Read it with the attitude that God wants to speak to you through this. He does and He will. Don’t get caught up on the things you don’t understand (and there will be those things) focus on what you do understand.