Friday, December 3, 2010

Knowing Your Opportunities

Lifeway Research and the North American Mission Board did a recent survey to find out when Americans are most open to considering matters of faith.  They asked 15,000 people about what times in life they would be most likely to engage in a spiritual dialogue.  Here are the results:

5. After the birth of a baby:  28%

4. After a natural disaster:  34%

3. After a major national crisis (such as 9/11):  38%

2. During the Easter holiday season: 38%

1. During the Christmas holiday season:  47%

In all the hustle and bustle of the season, we need to make sure we are not too busy to see people as open. We could miss some opportunities to witness that Christmas gives.  Pray for someone.  Invite someone.  Engage someone.  You could be a part of changing eternity.

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