Sunday, March 18, 2018

Fifty-Two Days in Nehemiah (Day 33)

Day 33

Now on the twenty-fourth day of this month the people of Israel were assembled with fasting and in sackcloth, and with earth on their heads.
Nehemiah 9:1

When God begins a work, He will carry it through to completion. Often, we see God begin moving through some formal endeavor. Maybe His work begins as part of a retreat, revival, or some special Bible study. However, these times inevitably come to an end. We come to a time when the retreat is over, the revival services conclude, or the Bible study is complete. If the work that God began is genuine, and we are submissive, His work in our lives will continue.

At the conclusion of Nehemiah 8, we see the people participating in a solemn assembly. This assembly was called for by the Law of Moses. This was a formal time that they were to set aside to seek the face of God at the conclusion of the Festival of the Tabernacles. Now, we see the people in a time of repentance. This is a work of God that has continued past what was formally called for. This was a time when the people of God were seeking His face because they wanted to, not because they have been told to.

We are given many opportunities to pursue God in a formal, structured way; Bible studies abound, conferences are readily available online, and we have more books at our disposal than at any point in history. However, the real work of God does not take place in these formal settings, as important as they are. The real work of God takes place when we are apart from these things and God can speak to us personally about our lives.

Make sure that you are creating plenty of margin for God in your life. Make sure that you are giving Him opportunity to speak to your heart and move in your life. Do not reduce your relationship with God down to those things that are offered formally. Make time for Him.

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