Friday, March 2, 2018

Fifty-Two Days in Nehemiah (Day 17)

Day 17

I was very angry when I heard their outcry and these words.
Nehemiah 5:6

When we are confronted with injustice, we have a decision to make. We can turn our heads and pretend we did not see it, or we can do our part to make it right. Over and over again, we see the result of too many people pretending that injustices do not exist. When we approach things in this way, not only are injustices allowed to continue, they increase.

In the midst of rebuilding the wall, Nehemiah discovers that there is a problem within his community. The work is taking place during a famine. Because of the famine, food is scarce. Because food is scarce, the prices have risen. People have spent all of their money trying to get food and have had to borrow money to take care of other expenses. This situation created an opportunity for those who had money to abuse and take advantage of those who did not.

The people ultimately turn to Nehemiah for help. They have lost their homes and land to foreclosure. Some of their children have been sold into slavery to cover their bad debts. The interest that is being charged on loans is exorbitant. In the end, Nehemiah is in disbelief and grows to be “very angry”.

It would have been easy for Nehemiah to ignore the problem because he was focused on the wall. He could have said that he would deal with it later, but now was not the time. Nehemiah could have said someone else would have to deal with it because he was too busy. However, Nehemiah stops what he is doing and rights the wrong.

We, like Nehemiah, must not turn away from injustice. Be bold enough to speak up. Be courageous enough to engage. Make sure that we do not ignore what God has put right in front of us. Fight for justice.

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