Sunday, April 1, 2018

Fifty-Two Days in Nehemiah (Day 46)

Day 46

And the priest and the Levites purified themselves, and the purified the people and the gates and the wall.
Nehemiah 12:30

From time to time, we come to the point in our lives where we just feel that we have not been walking as closely to God as we should. Maybe we have been a little slack and have allowed sin into our lives. Or, maybe we have just not been spending time with the Lord and therefore we feel far from Him. During these times it is important for us to be honest and return to Him.

The Old Testament lays out a number of rituals that the people were to perform in order to be purified and thus, considered ceremonially clean. These were physical acts that were to reflect a spiritual reality. This is what we see in Nehemiah, the priest and the people purifying themselves for the service of God. We also see them purify the gates and wall as if to say, “these things represent the security and provision of our God.”

For us, on the opposite side of the cross than the people of Nehemiah’s time, our purification has been provided for. Jesus Christ went to the cross to provide forgiveness once and for all, for all people. Any sin that we have committed, or could commit, has been taken care of. On the cross, Jesus took all the sins of the world, that had been committed or would be committed, and paid the price for them.

Today, if you do not know the freedom, purity, and renewal, that Christ offers to us, then take time to seek Him. Jesus desires to remove your sin. He desires to take what is old, damaged, and scarred, and make it new. Just as the people of Nehemiah were able to come before God and be purified, we can know the purity available in Christ. The beauty of the purity that we can know is this; it is far more reaching, far more effective, and far more of a spiritual reality than the people of Nehemiah’s time could have known. Experience it today. Take time to seek God’s face and experience Him anew.

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