Friday, August 26, 2011

News Making Rain

I awoke this morning to see that rain and its results were the headline story in the local newspaper.  That says something about how dry it is in Texas.  I looked at my grass.  I remember thinking the day before when I took the garbage can to the curb, "Well, it does not look like I will need to mow this weekend."  Today, it looked like it had grown an inch.

Then  I noticed something else - crickets.  They were singing.  I don't remember them chirping at all this summer.  Now they were loud and clear and close.  I went into my garage.  There was a cricket in there really going to town.  It was so loud that I thought for a moment some sort of alarm was going off.  I began to walk around the garage to find what was happening and the cricket went quiet.  I faintly remember an old movie about some swamp creature that would make the crickets go silent as it walked by.  I guess in my own garage, I am that creature.

Did you stand at your window for a moment yesterday and watch it rain?  If you did, did it bring a smile to your face?  It is amazing how something we so often take for granted can become so precious.  It is also amazing what a difference one thunderstorm makes in the middle of a drought.  The sources of life and growth grow more precious in their absence and more powerful even in their fleeting reappearances.

I hope you are not in a spiritual drought, but if you are know that God has a way to sustain you and bring life.  It may only be the spiritual equivalent of an afternoon thundershower, but it make a big difference.

This Sunday we will look at how God makes a change in our heart - how He brings new life to us from the inside out.  I hope to see you there.

For the journey...

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