Friday, September 11, 2015

In Galatians 6:7, I'm reminded of a truth I try to keep before me..."Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." The Biblical principle of reaping what we sow is as true today as it was when Jesus walked the earth.

Sowing precedes reaping...and sowing matters.  Sowing is work; it takes time and effort.

If you eat three times a day, you'll have twenty-one meals in a week to nourish your physical well-being. Nourishment is required regularly for our physical well being.

We can think of our spiritual well-being in the same way. Some feel that attending a Worship Service once a week is enough bible study and worship to receive adequate spiritual nourishment. Physically, I'd not make it long on one meal a week. I'd become unhealthy in a short amount of time. While the illustration between the physical and spiritual has limits, there is truth to the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

I was privileged to serve as a Minister of Students for fifteen years. I can't count the number of times I heard a student say, "When I was at Youth Camp I felt so close to that I'm back to my regular routine, why do I not feel as close to God?" The camp they were spending 3-4 hours a day in bible study and worship with other followers of Jesus.  Am I recommending you do this three times a day? Not necessarily, it just points to the fact that you reap what you sow.

Involvement in Northside GroupLife is a way you can take a step forward in sowing into your spiritual well-being. At Northside, we have Sunday School Groups, Small Groups, Discipleship Groups, Journey Groups and Support Groups. Each group has different purposes and strengths, but all have one goal...and that is to assist you on the journey of becoming all that God intends you to be.

If you are not involved in Northside GroupLife, now is a great time to jump in. We have new groups starting throughout September. Some require a short commitment; others are ongoing throughout the year.

What have you been sowing lately?  Look back at your schedule. Reflect. How much of an investment have you been making into your spiritual well being?

It's a privilege to serve as your Discipleship Pastor. If I can assist you in finding a group that's a fit for you, don't hesitate to contact the church office.

For the journey...Dean

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