Friday, August 21, 2015

A Post Pastor Post

It is with much gratitude that I thank all of you who have been faithful or even occasional readers of this blog as I have had a chance to write it.  I think it was Charles Dickens who said, "It is disquieting thought to do anything for the last time."  Disquieting - that is a good word for how this feels.  I am drawn to reminiscing at times like this but I think it better to say, "Thank you."

Thank you for taking a chance on a small town pastor back in 2003.  Thank you for your patience and your encouragement.  I appreciate you overcoming some of my mistakes and affirming, what can only be described as "stumbles forward."  I heard Paul Powell once say, "It is much more likely that a church will make a pastor than a pastor will make a church."  That has been true of you and me.

Northside is a church that has a firm grip on its spiritual heritage and the unchanging message of Jesus Christ.  But it has also been a church that embraced new ministries and undertook new challenges.  Keep doing that as God guides - and He will guide.

Will I do a blog at my new position?  That remains to be seen but if I do, I warn you that you may read things that you have seen before.  If I do blog and you re-read something, please, again, be patient, a new idea will come. 

The Northside Journey will continue in some form during the interim.  Stay in touch so that you can know what is happening as we "Journey Together" to new things.

for the journey...


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