Friday, January 9, 2015

Westbury or Westboro?

My nephew is the pastor of Westbury Baptist Church in Houston.  If you are not familiar with Houston, there is a section of the city called Westbury and thus the name of the church.  There are frequent calls to my nephew's church from people thinking they are calling the Westboro Baptist Church - the small, fanatical church that protests at soldier's funerals and other places where they angrily proclaim such things as signs of God's judgment.  Some people never go to the trouble to differentiate between a church in Houston called Westbury and a church in Kansas called Westboro.  Perhaps many of those callers do not realize there is a vast difference in location, actions and theology.

If you would call yourself an evangelical, Bible believing Christian, Newsweek magazine sees you as the same as the people at Westboro.  According to the cover article published December 23, 2014, "The Bible - So Misunderstood It's a Sin" there really is no distinction between your beliefs and the beliefs of the angry protestors from Westboro.  We are all one and the same.  We all have a very wrong view of the Bible. I will not try to explain all this but just let you go to the links below and see for yourself.

This Sunday, we will be looking at "What Happens When We Read the Bible?"  And just to clarify, it makes you nothing like the folks at Westboro.

For an overview of all this, see Dr. Jim Denison's Cultural Commentary:

For the Newsweek article:

For Dr. Michael Kruger's point by point rebuttal of the Newsweek article:

for the journey...


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