Friday, July 13, 2012

Being Carried

While I was mowing my front yard last week, I watched my neighbor across the street pull into her driveway, park and then with some effort carry her young son from his car seat and into the house.  You could tell they were both tired and this was a task for both of them.  That is how it is with small children.  Tasks like that will be repeated multiple times.  This little one will be carried for many more miles and several more years.

The thought occurred to me as I kept mowing, "Do I remember being carried?"  I have many memories of childhood, some from very young.  I can remember several early memories of sitting in my mother's lap and of riding my father's knee but I have no memory of ever being carried.  That's funny, because I know without a doubt that I was.  Those moments of being carried were probably like my neighbor's moment, a routine task in a routine day, quickly forgotten but none the less real.

God's presence can be a lot like that.  There are times that without a doubt He was there and carried us though we may not have realized what was happening in the moment and we will not remember after that moment is gone.  But we know that He did, that He does.  We can know that He will.

Jesus said that He would be with us "always, even to the very end of the age."  The fact that we are where we are today is evidence of the fact that He at some point carried us.  It is also assurance that when we need to be carried, He will do it again.

We will look Sunday at the power of His presence to carry out His mission.  I hope you will allow Him to carry you there.

For the journey...


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