Friday, September 23, 2011

Calling Remembrances

I have thought a lot about college this week.  On Monday I took a group of Senior Adults to the Bush Library in College Station.  We made a pit stop by the Baptist Student Ministry building and had a brief tour.  Earlier on that trip, someone had asked me where I had sensed a call to ministry.  While we were at the BSM building I got to tell the whole group, it was right here at this spot that I felt called.  I did not know it was to ministry at that moment but I knew that God was working on me.  It was by the door of the old Baptist Student building; there was a sign up sheet there for a discipleship group.  I stood there an pondered it.  I knew if I signed up for this, I would have to get serious about my relationship with God.  I had never done anything like this before.  I would have to move from the faith of my parents to my own walk with God.  I thought about it a moment, then with a lot more emotion than it would seem to merit, I signed my name.  From that moment on, I can say that decision naturally led to another decision and another and another that put me where God has me today.  It was not a typical calling - I do not know what would be typical - but that was my calling.  I stood near that spot again this week with our Senior Adults and wanted to say much more about it but the emotions welled up in me again and I could not speak.  I am still amazed at what God has done and that he would reach out to me.

On Tuesday, I got some good news about our local Baptist Student Ministry.  Lori Huber, who has volunteered to take care of the weekly lunches that are served at the BSM, reported that there was a record crowd there that day.  Around 50 students came to have lunch together at the BSM, more than have ever been before.  There is a real opportunity there.  I wonder how many are making their own transition from the faith of their parents to their own walk with God.  There is a great opportunity there and one we need to pray about and act upon.

On Wednesday, we all heard of the shooter that was on campus at Victoria College, not far from the BSM and Guadalupe Association Office building where the 50 plus students had gathered for lunch the day before.  A great tragedy was averted; no one was injured.  Many students were shaken.  One of our Northsiders who is a freshman spent over an hour in a closet hiding from the shooter.  The Victoria Advocate reported the shooter was upset about an argument concerning religion.  What a different, unpredictable and dangerous world college students now face.

I am amazed the God of all creation reached out to me when I was in college. I wonder who else He is reaching out to this very week, perhaps even calling.

For the journey...


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