Wednesday, August 16, 2017

The Church, God, and Money

You may have noticed in recent days that Northside is running behind on budget as it relates to giving. While there is no reason for panic at this point, it is something that we want to pay attention to. Our church survives on the gifts of her members alone. We do not receive money from the denomination or an association. We are a self-supporting body, which means what we give is what we can use to minister to our community. As is the case with any organization, we have certain cost that are fixed. Therefore, when we give less, we end up doing less ministry. So, let me encourage you to be faithful to the tithe and even give beyond that.

In first Corinthians 9:6-15 Paul speaks to the church about giving. I’ll not write out the whole passage for you here, but point out several of the points that Paul makes. First, he calls us to give generously. He calls our attention to the law of the harvest in verse 6, “whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.” Simply put, if we are faithful with our resources, God will trust us with more resources. However, if we are unfaithful, that will be reflected in our harvest as well.

Second, Paul calls us to give joyfully. He says that we are not to give out of compulsion (v. 7), because God loves a cheerful giver. Giving and money are always a sticky topic. There are those who believe that the church only wants your money. However, is there any force in life that grabs our attention more than money? God warns us over and over of the dangers of money. He also offers us generosity as a solution to greed. So, we want a proper relationship with money where we view it as a resource as oppose to something that can somehow give us life. When our understanding of money is correct, we can then give joyfully.

Finally, Paul tells us to give expectantly. There are several things that will happen when we are generous. First, God says he will, “multiply your seed for sowing” (v. 10). Second, He says you will be, “enriched in every way to be generous” (v. 11). And third, He says, “they will glorify God because of your submission” (v. 13). Generosity has a trickledown effect. Giving will be a blessing to you as your relationship with money and with God are put in proper perspective. Needs will be met because of your generosity. And, people will praise God because of your generosity.

Do not think that I am proclaiming some prosperity Gospel. Notice what the end goal is in all of this. The goal is that needs are met and that people come to know God. It is not about you or me getting rich, it is about us walking in blessing. Money is a tool, not the source of life. So, let me encourage you, give generously, give joyfully, and give expectantly.

Honored to be your pastor,

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