Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Life Springs Forth

A few months ago, the tree in my front yard dropped all of its leaves. When I say all of its leaves, I mean all of them. They covered my front yard and the neighbors front yard. After several rounds of raking and bagging, we finally had all of them picked up. What remained was the skeleton of the tree that just days before provided beautiful shade. For several months, I walked out every day and looked at what appeared to be a dead tree. Then, early last month, guess what? It began to bud. Then, a few leaves appeared. Now, it is the beautiful shade tree that came with my house when we bought it last summer.

So, what was wrong with my tree? You and I both know that nothing was wrong. Fall brings the dying off of the old and Spring brings with it a new birth. Trees bud, grass turns green and begins to grow, and flowers bloom. What Fall destroyed, Spring restores.

I find it interesting that Easter comes each Spring. The time of year that represents new life and rebirth. These are the very things that the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus represent to us. We were dead in our trespasses and sins and He brought new life (Ephesians 2:1). The things of old have died off and new life has sprung forth.

During the days ahead, take time to look at the new life that is coming forth around you. Allow this new life to be a reminder of the new life that you have in Jesus Christ. Just as things spring back from seemingly being dead, so too are we given life when we were previously dead. This is something truly worth celebrating.

“Behold, I am making all things new.” – Revelation 21:5

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