Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Looking Ahead

These are exciting days at Northside Baptist Church. We have launched our full Fall calendar and excitement is in the air. Choirs are meeting, Bible Study groups have assembled, Awana’s has launched and it seems full speed ahead from here. I want to ask you to do several things in the days ahead:

1.  Continue to pray for the ministries of Northside Baptist Church. We have a great ministry team and a support staff that is second to none. They are all working very hard for the church and our Lord. Often times things come at them in waves that you would not believe. When it is quiet, it is quiet. When it gets busy, it gets BUSY. Pray that God gives them wisdom, discipline, and stamina.

2.  Remember that DOUBLE DAY SUNDAY is coming. On January 8th we will launch two Sunday School hours and two Worship hours. We want to make sure that we do this in such a way that it is effective and honors God. There are several areas of need in the days ahead. We will need approximately six classes in the second Sunday School hour. Some of these will come from classes that moved, some will come from classes that sent others out as missionaries, and some will be new launches. Pray for the success of this effort and pray about what God might have your role to be. Also, we will need lots of support staff to fill roles such as greeters and ushers.

3.  Invite your friends. Make sure that you always have something positive to say about your church and encourage others to come with you. There are any number of people who would love to come to church if only they were invited. Make a list of a half-dozen people or so that you might invite, begin to pray for them, and look for an open door.

Northside is built on a very rich history. This is truly a blessing. However, I believe that our greatest days are ahead, as they should be for any church. In order for us to realize this truth, it will take all of us being faithful to prayer, faithful to invite, and faithful in obedience.

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