Friday, January 29, 2016

You're Being Watched!

You’re being watched, And you don't even know it

Think about it.

Our government is watching the other countries. Those countries are watching us and everyone else.  

With this being an election year everyone, especially the media, is watching each candidate, waiting to see what their next move will be.

With the social media at your fingertips, we are watching each other almost instantly, as life is happening.  Even as it takes place on the other side of the town, state, country, and world.

If you know that you are always being watched, does that make you live your life differently?  As Christian’s men and women of the faith, what is the world observing about us?  What do they see as they are watching us?

“Follow God’s example, therefore, as dearly loved children and walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”

Ephesians 5:1-2 NIV

My bible say that we are to “Imitate God…” act like God would.  What would happen if the world…Texas...Victoria, watched Christians that were all imitating, acting like God?

As we end the week reflect back on the conversations, the encounters, and those you simply passed by. When they looked at you did they see you…….or did they see God? 

As we prepare for next week know that you are being watched!  Watched by those you have conversations with, those you encounter, those that you simply pass by, those that work with you, your neighbors, your children, and more.  And yes, God is also watching you. 

Be an imitator of Christ.  May others watch Jesus, not you.

Serving Him Together,


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