Friday, February 28, 2014

Atheist Deconversion

This week I read about something that fascinated me - a website that gives atheists 15 steps to converting, or "deconverting" as they sometimes call it, a Christian to atheism.  Here are direct quotes on these fifteen steps:

Think about your friendship. Are the two of you close? If not, try to increase your friendship before attempting to change their religious beliefs.

Educate yourself. The key to converting someone is to understand their position as well as your own.

Learn common arguments levelled by theists and the best rebuttals. Although it is not possible to prepare for every argument you should know some of the more common talking points in Christian apologetics.

Examine myths, urban legends, and superstitions and learn why people believe stories backed by little evidence. Understanding something about the psychology of belief will better prepare you for the challenges ahead.

Read and understand their holy book cover to cover.

Study basic physics and biology, as believers may form arguments using a flawed interpretation of physics or biology.

Get them in the habit of questioning their own faith. Sometimes pointing out a single fallacy every now and then is sufficient.

Let them try to convert you. Many Christians will automatically try to convert you.

Give your friend practical advice for their problems from respected books from respected experts in various fields.

Avoid logical fallacies and point out those used by your friend.

Socialize them. Help them mix outside their own narrow circle of believers to see other viewpoints.

Don't try to change them too drastically. Deconversion is a highly personal activity that inherently takes a long time.

Know when to back away. Don't let differences and debate cause the end of a friendship, know when to leave them be.

Be open-minded. Listen and understand their point of view. Learn what makes them believe what they do. Remember, we can't prove, in any absolute sense, that no gods exist.
As you read that did you see how Christians could take the same track to use with atheists?  If we just reverse a few terms, it is the same thing we should try to do if we wanted to share the gospel with and atheist or any unbeliever.  I am a little puzzled though, why would atheists want to convert or "deconvert" Christians.  They are not trying to keep us from going to heaven or going to hell since they believe in neither.  Could it be that for people you care about, you want to them to know what you have found, you want to share what is really important to you? 
I don't know the motivation but I do know that there is one huge difference in their list of steps and our list of steps.  When atheists seek to convert Christians they must do it all alone with no outside help.  When we share the good news with unbelievers, we recognize that we can do nothing apart from the power of the One who resides in us and changes lives.  We are not alone.  We are loved and we do this out of love.
As we gather Sunday to consider being a part of the 4XFour Challenge, let's let that be on our mind.
for the journey...

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