Saturday, November 10, 2012

40 Days of Prayer for Our Country Wrap Up

Let me thank all of you who have prayed with me for our country over these last forty days.  I don't know about you but I have come to the realization that I need to keep praying for the spiritual renewal of our country.  Going into this, I realized beforehand that a spiritual turnaround  was not going to happen just because of an election, I now realize the burden of praying for my country is not going to end just because of an election. 

There is much I have learned in this process and I have a feeling there is still a lot more that God needs to teach me.  Perhaps a lesson might come from you.  I usually don't expect comments to my blog and I appreciate the occassional comment, but let me ask today, to hear from you.  We don't need to talk about what we like or dislike about who was elected or not elected.  I do want you to reflect upon what God may have showed you or told you in these 40 Days of Prayer. 

Reflecting on what we have learned and writing it down is always a healthy exercise, but it is exercise.  I would really appreciate your effort to give this question some thought and reply as you feel led, "What did you learn from praying for our country for 40 days?"  I look forward to hearing from you.

For the journey...

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